- 下列Transact-SQL语句创建Points表并插入几行。The following Transact-SQL statements create the Points table and insert a few rows.
- Broadwell等(1992)提出脑开窗(windows of the brain)的概念,并认为CVOs是脑屏障上的漏点(leaky points),但是脑内环境并未因脑开窗存在而改变。However Broadwell (1992) proposed a concept of the windows of the brain, which included CVOs and the leptomeninges, and considered CVOs as some leaky points in BBB, but actually homeostasis of the brain is still maintained in spite of existence of the windows of the brain.
- 凡破世界纪录、洲纪录、全国纪录或运动会记录者都必须接受兴奋剂检查。16脚踝受伤What seems to be the matter?Those breaking the world,the continental,the national and the games record must take the doping test.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 介词OFPreposition OF
- 在此优化衍生条件下,成功检测了清醒吗啡戒断大鼠脑导水管周围灰质(Periaqueductal gray matter,PAG)微透析液中谷氨酸(glutamate,Glu)和精氨酸(arginine,Arg)含量变化。Using the optimized condition of amino acid derivatization, we investigated the changes in L- arginine (L-Arg) and L-glutamate (L-Glu) concentration in periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) microdia-lytes of free-moving morphine-withdrawal rats.
- 资金报表,见 statement of changes in financial positionfunds statement
- 溶解有机氮(dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)与溶解有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)相结合在湖泊水体溶解有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的研究中少有报道.Dissolved organic carbon(DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen(DON) are rarely measured together when studying dissolved organic matter(DOM) in lake water.
- 的例外 of /at sthexception to ...
- 目的:探讨刺激大鼠海马后导水管周围灰质(Periaqueductal central gray matter,PAG)、中缝大核(Nucleusraphes magnus,NRM)和脊髓背角5-HT的变化,分析海马在镇痛中的作用机制。Objective:To study the changes of 5-HT in (Periaqueductal central gray matter PAG) ,Nucleus raphes maguns in brain stem and drosal horn of spinal cord after stimulation of hippocampus and to investigate the mechanism of hip-pocampal analgesia.
- part-of关系part-of relation
- Doctor of PharmacyD.Pharm.
- k-out-of-n系统k-out-of-n system
- Bachelor of PharmacyB.Pham.
- 这个词可意为consist of 或be composed of,即由...形成、组成或构成It can mean consist of or be composed of ie be formed of
- [of book] 第一/二册volume one/two
- 在介词用法里alongside后可以选择性地跟of:驳船停在旁边或靠码头旁边。In its prepositional use alongside may optionally be accompanied by of: The barge lay alongside,or alongside of the pier.
- (=International Association of Hospital Security) 国际医院安全协会I.A.H.S.
- 他跨过(不用off of)月台。He stepped off (not off of ) the platform.
- (后常跟of)大量或数量大。(often followed by'of') a large number or amount or extent.